Be Transformed By the Kindness of God

The Gordon Olson Audio Library

  • Archived YWAM Lectures

    These are the first lectures Gordon Olson and Harry Conn delivered for Youth with A Mission (YWAM). The purpose of these lectures was training for students for the El Paso YWAM Crusade held June 20-26, 1966. The lectures began on June 18, 1966. Evangelistic outreach (Crusade) began on June 20, 1966 and ended June 24, 1966. Gordon Olson lectured in the morning before the evangelistic teams went out into the community. Harry Conn lectured in the evenings. The schedule suggests that there was at least one lecture given by Loren Cunningham. Mr. Cunningham’s lecture has not yet been found among the tapes belonging to the library.

    Please Note: There are some audio issues in this series we hope to resolve in the future.

  • What Do We Know?

    15- Minute radio broadcast on KGEI, (San Francisco area), about the nature and character of God from the late 1950s and early 1960s. Broadcasts will be added as they become digitally preserved.

  • Bible Lessons From the First Epistle of John

    Bible Lessons From the First Epistle of John are part of the Faith of Our Fathers Series. The 24 episodes were broadcasted on the radio station KGEI from November 21, 1960-December 29, 1960. The series ends at 1 John 3:10 because the radio show was cancelled presumably because the radio station was sold in 1960.

This work reflects a lifetime of study on the nature and character of God and is intended to address questions with kindness and reason.

Gordon’s Legacy